Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is terrifying. From its VR capability to its incredibly realistic character models, it’s a sure bet that you’re going to have a hard time not jumping at every noise you hear or every jump scare you encounter. So it’s rather important that you are aware of the fact that steroids exist in this world, and that they grant you a permanent boost to your maximum HP. Here is a comprehensive guide to the steroid locations throughout the game, and how to obtain them.
Location #1:
For the first steroid location, you’re going to be searching the basement of the main house. Go to the spot where you found the Scorpion key and look behind that area. You’re going to find a treasure map/photo of sorts. This treasure map is essential, as you won’t be able to interact with the location of the steroid syringe without having acquired it. Now, make your way back upstairs and head to the drawing room. You will see a fireplace. Approach the fireplace and press the action button. Ethan will remove a tile. Behind this tile is the first steroid syringe. Drugs are bad; unless you’re being hunted by a family of deranged serial murderers, then drug use can be forgiven. Fire that into the nearest vein to make Ethan a little more resilient to the horrors that lie ahead.
Location #2:
The second steroid syringe is not hidden at all. In fact, if you’re paying any attention, you’ll know it when you see it. Once you finally get out of the main building, you will see a trailer parked directly outside of the house. The inside of the trailer is a save room, and then some. Inside of bird cages in the trailer you will find various upgrades to help you along the way that are locked up. The most expensive is a .44 magnum that costs 9 coins on easy/normal, another is the stabilizer (increases reload time dramatically) which costs 5 coins on easy/normal, and the third are the ‘roids you’re looking for, at a cost of 4 coins on easy/normal modes. Spend the coin, and you’ll make Ethan a strong boy.
Location #3:
This game will teach you to search every possible nook and cranny for useful items. This is an unexpectedly easy location for such an important and useful item, but it is very possible to miss it if you get too freaked out by the tripwires running throughout this area. Once you reach the first floor of the Testing area, you’ll naturally progress into a small room with two tripwires. You should know it when you see it, as there is a locker directly across the room from the entrance. Disarm or dodge the traps safely, then search the locker. At the very bottom (you’ll need to crouch to access it) you’ll find the third steroid syringe. Inject that bad boy to make the other booby traps you’re going to encounter in this area hurt just a little less.
Location #4:
You’re going to be tempted to rush through this area because the pace of the game has hastened dramatically. Keep your cool as you’re progressing through the Salt Mines. After you push the mine cart, follow the path to the left. You’ll enter a large area with some other goodies and a set of stairs. The stairs are rigged with a tripwire, so make sure you disarm that with a bullet and head upstairs. A crate at the top will also be booby trapped, so be sure to dispose of that before heading into the room to your right. This is the room with a laptop that has several emails you can read to get a little more backstory to what is going on, but before going any further, stop at the entrance, crouch and look to your left between two bath tubs. There’s your final syringe. Use that to gear up for the end of the game, and then go about your business.
These steroid syringes will go a long way to quelling your anxiety while playing Resident Evil 7. Every time you find one it’ll feel like a breath of fresh air. If you keep your wits about you, you should have no problem locating all 4 of these little gems to help you along the way.